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University Students visited the Kokterek

Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Translator - Кенжебаев Данияр
Date: 01.12.2022

ALMATY. INFORMATION - 4th year students of the International University of Information Technologies (IITU) visited the Kokterek Space Communications Center (SCC) with an excursion. Roman Yermashov, director of the Kokterek SCC, spoke about the work of the KazSat reserve ground control complex for spacecraft, and the new tasks of the center. The guys, most of whom are preparing graduation projects, had a lot of questions about the functioning of the space communications and broadcasting system, the possibilities of space communications in Kazakhstan, and future work plans at space enterprises.

As you know, RCSC JSC is doing a lot of work on vocational guidance for young people. Students of several technical universities of the country annually undergo pre-diploma practice, internships at the facilities of RCSC JSC on the basis of memorandums of cooperation and interaction.