
KazSat-3 spacecraft
The launch of the KazSat-3 spacecraft at the GSO took place on April 28, 2014 from the Baikonur cosmodrome.
The satellite was created by order of JSC RCSC by the Russian enterprise JSC Information Satellite Systems named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev ”jointly with Thales Alenia Space (Italy).
When creating the KazSat-3 spacecraft, modern technical solutions were used to ensure the specified characteristics of the spacecraft and the required level of reliability.
SC "KazSat-3" is designed to provide services of TV and radio broadcasting, telephony, data transmission, etc.
Its service area includes the entire territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the central part of Russia, and the countries of Central Asia.
Orbit type / position in GSO | 58.5 deg. vd | |
Active Life | 15 years | |
Technical resource | 16.5 years | |
Payload module frequency range | Ku | |
Number of transponders | 28 pcs. | |
Transponder bandwidth | 54/36 MHz | |
Mass of the satellite in orbit | 1701 kg | |
PN consumption on the main power bus 100V | 5800 W | |
Space platform type | Express 1000NTV |
Coverage area:

Аккольская лыжня – 2025
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Участие АО «РЦКС» в сессии Комитета ООН по мирному использованию космического простра
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