SCC Akkol

SCC "Akkol"

The first Kazakhstan ground-based spacecraft control complex (SC) and communication monitoring systems were put into operation in December 2005.
Space communication center "Akkol" (SCC "Akkol") is equipped with the latest technological equipment to control national spacecraft of the "KazSat" series. All systems of the center are completely autonomous, independent and are designed to continuously perform control tasks, control and maintain the specified technical and ballistic characteristics of the KazSat series spacecraft.
The center was modernized in 2008-2010 under the KazSat-2 project and in 2013 under the KazSat-3 project.
Composition of the SCC "Akkol":
  • spacecraft flight control center
  • monitoring control center
  • hardware-software and metrological support center
  • infrastructure maintenance service
Today, the Akkol SCC is equipped with:
  • command and measurement system, which is designed to transmit control commands to the satellite and accurately measure its position in orbit.
  • a communication monitoring station intended for conducting orbital tests and measurements of spacecraft transponders, for monitoring signals in spacecraft transponders and measuring parameters of satellite earth stations and implementing the procedure for their admission to work with satellites. < / li>
Flight Control Center
The control of the orbital constellation of geostationary communication and broadcasting spacecraft of the KazSat series is carried out by the Flight Control Center of the ground-based spacecraft control complex.
Flight Control Center specialists perform many tasks every day. With the help of specialized equipment, engineers continuously control, monitor and maintain the specified technical characteristics of onboard systems and spacecraft assemblies.
When satellites fulfill their target tasks, the specialists of the Mission Control Center carry out constant analysis and control of the technical condition of spacecraft, and ensure the maintenance of safe modes of their operation. The calculation of ballistic data is carried out to ensure the planning of the work of spacecraft.
Monitoring Control Center
Monitoring control center - structural subdivision of CCS "Akkol". The center carries out continuous monitoring of organized satellite communication and broadcasting channels, admission of earth user stations of satellite communication to the frequency and energy resource and measurement of parameters of relayed signals, control and preparation of data to optimize parameters and load transponders of payloads of KazSat series spacecraft. To carry out the tasks assigned to the monitoring control center, a communication monitoring system (CMS) was organized.
CMS is for:
  • conducting orbital tests and measuring the parameters of payload transponders of spacecraft of the KazSat series in the Ku-band with linear (horizontal H and vertical V) polarization in the entire operating frequency range of the transponders
  • monitoring signals in transponders to ensure continuous and high-quality operation of operators' communication networks (including control of digital and analogue television carriers), as well as maintaining specified operating modes and technical characteristics of transponders
  • measurements of parameters of earth stations (ES) and implementation of the procedure for their admission to work with the satellite
  • control of interference in the shafts in the entire frequency range of the spacecraft operation
CMS contains:
  • a monitoring station consisting of antenna systems d 9 m, and two antenna receiving systems d 7.3 m manufactured by Vertex, hardware and software test equipment from Thales Alenia Spase, server and client equipment with appropriate software
  • automated workstations, divided according to their functional characteristics and intended for the implementation of tasks for planning and managing the frequency and energy resource, for measuring and monitoring payload transponders of spacecraft of the KazSat series, as well as for measuring the parameters of the ES to carry out the procedure for their admission to work in transponders
Ветеранов РЦКС поздравили с праздником

АСТАНА. В рамках Всемирной недели космоса ветеранов АО «РЦКС», находящихся на пенсии, поздравили с днем пожилых людей.

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4 октября 2024 года учащиеся 9 класса школы №1 города Акколь по приглашению руководства Республиканского центра космической связи побывали в Центре космической связи (ЦКС) «Акколь».

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Compliance Officer held a meeting with the employees of Kokterek SCC

АСТАНА. СОБСТВЕННАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ - Антикоррупционная комплаенс-служба АО «РЦКС» на ежеквартальной основе проводит работу по разъяснению требований норм антикоррупционного законодательства Республики Казахстан, предупреждению противодействию коррупции. 12 сентября 2024 года комплаенс офицер АО «РЦКС» Б.Дюсенов...

АО «РЦКС» получил высокую оценку системы менеджмента и качества

АСТАНА. СОБСТВЕННАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ - С 29 по 31 июля 2024 года в АО «Республиканский центр космической связи» в рамках договора между АО «РЦКС» и ТОО «QSCert Qazaqstan» был проведен реинспекционный аудит системы менеджмента качества (СМК).

МЦРИАП и Amazon Kuiper подписали меморандум

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