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On the 30th anniversary of Independence of the RK Category "OUR PEOPLE"
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 27.12.2021

The team of "RCSC" JSC became the winner in the intellectual and entertaining game "IT ROOM"
NURSULTAN. PRIVATE INFORMATION – At the initiative of the Ministry of digital development, innovations and aerospace industry (MDDIAI) RK 25 Dec 2021 on the territory of Astana Hab...

Employees of "RCSС" JSC were awarded for the 30th anniversary of Independence of the
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 16.12.2021

NUR-SULTAN. OWN INFORMATION - In honor of the main national holiday of the country - the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Board of "RCSС" JSC M.K. Zhuiriktayev signed an order on awarding employees of the enterprise.

On the 30th anniversary of Independence of the RK Category "OUR PEOPLE"
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 06.12.2021

How the reserve satellite control center "Kazsat" was created
ALMATY. KAZINFORM - An important space object is located in the Ili district of the Almaty region - the Kokterek Space Communications Center (CCS) - a backup control complex for Kazsat satellites. Space communication is one of the..

Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Author - Пресс-служба
Date: 01.12.2021

For the festive date, the 30th anniversary of the first presidential elections, the Elbasy Library prepared a video dedicated to the founder of Kazakhstan - the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev.

R.S. Buralhieva was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Aerospace Committee of the MDDIA
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 20.11.2021

NURSULTAN. PRESS RELEASE - By order of the Head of the Staff of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan Razia Buralhieva was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Aerospace Committee of the MDDIAI of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A project of the SES company for high-speed Internet in Kazakhstan has been launched
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 18.11.2021

Luxembourg/Nur-Sultan, November 18, 2021. PRESS RELEASE. A demo project has been launched to test high-speed communication channels using the O3b satellite communication system in remote settlements of Kazakhstan...

The National Currency Day
Author - -
Date: 15.11.2021

НУР-СУЛТАН. В целях продвижения и популяризации исторического наследия Первого Президента Республики Казахстан – Елбасы Н.А. Назарбаева Библиотекой Елбасы подготовлен видеоролик, посвященный Дню национальной валюты Республики Казахстан – тенге.

On the 30th anniversary of Independence of the RK Category "OUR PEOPLE"
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 11.11.2021

Космическая связь: новые вызовы и перспективы – интервью В. Леонова
НУР-СУЛТАН. СОБСТВЕННАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ. Заместитель Председателя Правления АО «РЦКС» Василий Алесандрович Ленов, несмотря на свой молодой возраст, является одним из ветеранов РЦКС.

180th anniversary of the birth of Ibrai Altynsarin
Author - -
Date: 08.11.2021

NUR-SULTAN. The Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy has prepared a video dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the birth of Ibrai Altynsarin, whose huge educational contribution will always be in the memory of the people.

"RCSC" JSC took part in the international digital forum “Digital Bridge”
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 01.11.2021

NUR-SULTAN. PRESS RELEASE - October 28-29, 2021 in the capital of Kazakhstan, was held the annual international digital forum "Digital Bridge". Leading experts in the field of IT technologies, including modern space technologies, exchanged experiences and innovative solutions in the field of digital developmen...

On the Digital Bridge Forum were presented capabilities of One Web satellites
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 28.10.2021

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM - Within the framework of the Digital Bridge International Technology Forum, the One Web ATLAS Live Demo project presented with an on-site demonstration of the capabilities of One Web's LEO satellites....

On the 30th anniversary of Independence of the RK Category "OUR PEOPLE"
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 22.10.2021

Руку на «пульсе» спутников «Казсат» держат военные инженеры АО «РЦКС» АККОЛЬ. АКМОЛИНСКАЯ ОБЛАСТЬ – Ключевые должности в Центре космической связи «Акколь» Республиканского центра космической связи (РЦКС) занимают офицеры запаса, причем, прошедшие службу на космодроме Байконур.

How the national space communication and broadcasting system "KazSat" works
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 12.10.2021

AKKOL.OWN INFORMATION - October 4, 2021 marked the 64th anniversary of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite (AES), which heralded the beginning of the human space era.

On the 30th anniversary of Independence of the RK Category "OUR PEOPLE"
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 04.10.2021

The first president of "RCSC" JSC, head of the Scientific and Technical Council, honored communications officer of Kazakhstan, holder of the Order of "Kurmet" Viktor Lefter: "I am proud that fate gave me a chance to make my real contribution to the development of Kazakhstan."

Specialists of the"RCSC"JSC told about new innovation satellite technologies.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 29.09.2021

See more on "Kazakhstan" tv channel

Cотрудники ЦКС Акколь и их семьи стали победителями декады языков народов Казахстана
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 21.09.2021

АККОЛЬ. СОБСТВЕННАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ. В Районном Доме культуры состоялось закрытие декады языков народа Казахстана. Аким Аккольского района Акмолинской области вручил жителям благодарственные письма...

С Байконура запущена ракета «Союз-2.1б» с новой партией спутников One Web
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 15.09.2021

БАЙКОНУР. КАЗИНФОРМ – 15 сентября 2021 года в 00 часов 07 минут по времени Нур-Султана с 31-ой площадки космодрома Байконур осуществлен запуск ракеты - носителя «Союз-2.1б» с разгонным блоком «Фрегат» и 34 аппаратами компании OneWeb, передает корреспондент МИА «Казинформ».

"We can hear the heart of Kazsat beating! - young engineers of the RCSC
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 11.09.2021

AKKOL. AKMOLA REGION. KAZINFORM-Today the specialty "space engineering and technologies", which the National Space Agency (Kazcosmos) has integrated into the higher education system of Kazakhstan, is relevant and in demand.

Employees of "RCSC" JSC were awarded in honor of the Constitution Day of the RK
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 30.08.2021

NUR-SULTAN. OWN INFORMATION. In honor of the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for exemplary performance of official duties, high quality of tasks performed, initiative, creative activity, ...

Installation of One Web equipment at the National Space Center is being completed.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 19.08.2021

NUR-SULTAN. PRESS RELEASE.KAZKOSMOS - In Nur-Sultan, at the site of the National Space Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, work is being completed on the installation and configuration of OneWeb equipment to prepare for the OneWeb Demo demonstration tests on the use of a non-geostationary satellite communica...

80% of the employees of the RCSC were vaccinated against COVID-19.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 17.08.2021

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM-All measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are observed in the staff of "Republican Center for Space Communications" JSC (RCSC) of the Aerospace Committee of the MDDIAI of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the correspondent of "Kazinform" INA reports.

Participation of "RCSC" JSC in the exhibition of Central Asian countries.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 07.08.2021

NUR-SULTAN. OWN INFORMATION - On August 6, 2021, a consultative meeting of the heads of Central Asian states was held in the capital of Turkmenistan - the city of Turkmenbashi. The Presidents of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan visited the exhibition of national goods within the ...

The OneWebDemo pilot project will be implemented on the basis of the National SC.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 06.08.2021

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM - A working meeting was held at the National Space Center with a delegation of the international corporation "OneWeb" headed by Senior Director for technology Valerie Gineste, the correspondent of "Kazinform" INA reports.

How is the flight safety of "Kazsat" satellites ensured
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 06.08.2021

AKKOL. KAZINFORM - Recently, engineers of the “Akkol” Space Communications Center (SCC) - the main ground-based control complex for Kazsat communication and broadcasting satellites, carried out an important maneuver in connection with the dangerous approach of a space object to the Kazsat-3 satellite, preventi...

"RCSC" JSC took part in the work of "MAKS 2021"
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 27.07.2021

NUR-SULTAN. OWN INFORMATION. Kazakhstan for the first time acted as a partner at the International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS 2021), which was held on July 20-25, 2021 in the city of Zhukovsky near Moscow. The national pavilion of the Republic of Kazakhstan was opened at the exhibition, where three enterpr...

Kazcosmos took part in work of "MAKS-2021"
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 21.07.2021
Satellite "Kazsat-2" is 10 years in orbit.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 16.07.2021

NUR-SULTAN. PRESS RELEASE. 10 years ago, on July 16, 2011, the Kazakh communication and broadcasting satellite “Kazsat-2” was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome. The successful launch and commissioning of the second national communications satellite has become an important stage in the creation of its own...

Создание космических систем Казахстана началось с запуска первого спутника «Kazsat».
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 18.06.2021

НУР-СУЛТАН. КАЗИНФОРМ- 15 лет назад, 18 июня 2006 года с космодрома Байконур был запущен первый казахстанский спутник связи и вещания «Kazsat», который положил начало практической космической деятельности Казахстана, передает корреспондент МИА «Казинформ».

Statesman of the Republic of Kazakhstan Oralbay Adbykarimov visited “Akkol” SCC.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 07.06.2021

Akkol. OWN INFORMATION - The head of the Republican National Movement against Corruption "Zhanaru" Oralbay Abdykarimov, within the framework of a working visit to the Akkol district of Akmola region, has visited “Kazsat” Ground control center - the Space communication center "Akkol".

RCSC was discovered the universe of children's talents.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 01.06.2021

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM - On the occasion of the Children's Day, by the Republican center of space communication has been organized an online competition “Universe of Talents” for children, Kazinform correspondent reports.

MDDIAI RK announces competitions for Grant Programs.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 26.05.2021

NUR-SULTAN. INFORMATION MDDIAI RK - Department of Innovation Ecosystem and Scientific and Technological Development of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry (MDDIAI) RK reports that within the framework of the project "Promotion of productive innovations" is planned to hold...

Round table "Space technologies in the service of mankind".
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 22.05.2021

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM - In the building of the Museum of the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, a round table "Space technologies in the service of mankind" was held, Kazinform correspondent reports.

Employees of JSC "RCSC" received awards on the Day of communication.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 20.05.2021

NUR-SULTAN. OWN INFORMATION. In honor of the professional holiday, a large group of employees of JSC “RCSC” was awarded with departmental awards. The presentation, which was held by the Chairman of the Management Board and members of the Board of Directors, took place in the central office with direct involve...

Employees of JSC "RCSC" received awards.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 18.05.2021

NUR-SULTAN.OWN INFORMATION. In honor of the professional holiday, a large group of employees of JSC “RCSC” was awarded with departmental awards. The presentation, which was held by the Chairman of the Management Board and members of the Board of Directors, took place in the central office with direct...

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of JSC "RCSC" has been appointed.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 17.05.2021

NUR-SULTAN. PRESS RELEASE. By Decision No. 1/2021 of the Board of Directors of the Republican center of space communication (“RCSC”), Vasily Aleksandrovich Leonov was appointed to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Management Board from May 14, 2021.

Dear colleagues! Congratulations on the 76th anniversary of the Great Victory!
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 09.05.2021

Dear colleagues and friends!
Congratulations on the 76th anniversary of the Great Victory!

The memory of the First Minister of Defense of Kazakhstan was honored in Akkol.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 07.05.2021

ACCOL. AKMOLA REGION. KAZINFORM - On the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, Kazakh cosmonauts - Lieutenant General of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan Talgat Musabayev, Major General of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aydin Aimbetov, heads of the Republican center of space communi...

Dear colleagues, Happy Unity Day of the People of Kazakhstan!
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 30.04.2021

Dear Colleagues!
Kazakhstan is a multinational country with about 150 nations and nationalities. Each of them is unique and peculiar, each has its own customs and traditions, but together on the territory of Kazakhstan we live as a united friendly family.

Visit to the SCC "Akkol" in honor of the 7th anniversary of the launch "Kazsat-3".
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 29.04.2021

ACCOL. OWN INFORMATION - For the team of «RCSC» JSC, which values the traditions of the first enterprise of space communication in Kazakhstan, the launch dates for spacecraft of the «Kazsat» series are significant days.

Communication and broadcasting satellite KazSat3: 7 years of successful work in orbit
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 28.04.2021

ACCOL. KAZINFORM - Today, April 28, 2021, marks the 7th anniversary of the launch of the Kazakh communication and broadcasting satellite «Kazsat-3», Kazinform correspondent reports.

Bagdat Musin spoke about negotiations with SpaceX.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 19.04.2021

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM - Head of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bagdat Musin spoke about negotiations with “SpaceX”, Kazinform MIA reports.

Kazakhstan Government and SES Sign Memorandum of Understanding.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 12.04.2021

Nur-Sultan. 12 April 2021 – JSC “Republican center of space communication” (“RCSC”), a subsidiary of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry, and SES, the leading global content connectivity solutions provider, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore service ag...

Happy Anniversary Astronaut’s Day - International Day of the First Man into Space!
Author - Малик К. Жуйриктаев
Date: 12.04.2021

Dear Colleagues!
On behalf of the “Republican center of space communication” JSC and personally from me, please accept congratulations on the anniversary Day of Astronaut’s - International Day of the First Man into Space!

JSC "RCSC" congratulated the winners of the championship in preschool robotics.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 12.04.2021

NUR-SULTAN. OWN INFORMATION – Online ceremony of awarding the winners of the 1st Kazakhstani championship in preschool robotics and programming “Zhas Garyshker” was held in the central office of JSC «RCSC».

Kazakhstan signed a memorandum of cooperation with One Web.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 10.04.2021

BAIKONUR. KAZINFORM - A memorandum of understanding and cooperation was signed between the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry (MDDIAI) of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the British company "OneWeb", the correspondent of MIA "Kazinform" reports.

JSC "RCNC" will take part in a scientific and practical conference.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 06.04.2021

NUR-SULTAN. OWN INFORMATION - In honor of the great space anniversary - the 60th anniversary of the first human flight into space, a number of solemn events will be held in Kazakhstan.

Kazsat National Space Communication and Broadcasting System is 17 years old.
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 18.03.2021

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM - By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in December 2003, the formation of the first national satellite communication and broadcasting system in Kazakhstan began. This responsible state task of creating and developing the space communications and broadcasting syste...

Women of the space industry of Kazakhstan congratulated on the holiday of spring!
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 05.03.2021

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM - On the eve of International Women's Day on March 8th, Vice Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan Azamat Batyrkozha visited the JSC “Republican center of space communication” (JSC “RCSC”) and congratulated the female part of the...

Members of the party "Nur Otan" JSC "RCSC" are rewarded for their active work
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 04.03.2021

NUR-SULTAN. OWN INFORMATION - Aidos Sharipzhanov, First Deputy Chairman of the Baikonyr regional branch of the Nur-Sultan city of the “Nur Otan” party presented awards to the best representatives of the enterprise in the central office of JSC “RCSC”.

Press-Release on abandoning KazSat-2R
Author - АО "РЦКС"
Date: 25.02.2021

Nowadays, the space communication system “KazSat” is successfully functioning in Republic of Kazakhstan. Satellites work in favor of state and commercial users on the territory of the Republic and abroad.

Bagdat Musin: "We will rebuild the entire digital approach"
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 05.02.2021

ALMATY. PRESS SERVICE MoDDIaAI RK. Bagdat Musin, Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in the plenary session "GovTech and Super Services" within the framework of the forum "Digital Almaty 2021 - Digital Reboot: Leap into a New Reality".

Kazakhstan became the chairman of the Interstate Council on Space
Author - Нургалиева Сара Кабиевна
Date: 28.01.2021

NUR_SULTAN. KAZINFORM - On January 27, 2021, the second meeting of the Interstate Council on Space was held online, Kazinform correspondent reports.